I’m hiring postdoctoral researchers and PhD students!
Interested in a PhD? I primary consider students via the CEE, SES (IDSS), ORC, and EECS graduate programs. I am also open to advising students from other programs with the right fit. If you are interested in working on use-inspired machine learning, robotics, & control research for coordinating things that move, apply to any of these programs and list me in your application. A few special areas of interest include: mixed autonomy traffic, learning-based control and coordination of multi-agent systems, neural combinatorial optimization, learning-guided search, transportation sustainability, and road safety.
Interested in a postdoc? Please email me directly with [Postdoc starting 2024] in the subject, and include a CV, short research statement, 2 representative papers, and 3 reference contacts. I’m particularly interested in candidates with a strong background in machine learning, control, or operations research who would like to expand their research to include high-impact applications in mobile coordination.
I greatly value diversity and inclusion in STEM through teaching, mentorship, and outreach. We are a highly collaborative and welcoming lab with diverse backgrounds that come together to make the whole stronger than the sum of its parts. I strongly believe that diversity in perspective is necessary to solve the world’s most challenging problems.