Earlier news

  • Aug 2022: It was fun to geek out about the Hidden Cause of Traffic Jams—and How to Solve Them for this fantastic educational video by NOVA.
  • May 2022: Thrilled for our ECC 2022 work on employing artificial intelligence to help autonomous vehicles avoid idling at red lights to be featured on the MIT front page.
  • February 2022: I had a fantastic conversation about the future of our roads (hint hint: powered by AI) on The Robot Brains podcast by Professor Pieter Abbeel.
  • December 2021: I had a fun interview with the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing on our new project with Amazon, where we’ll be tackling algorithmic challenges of coordinating hundreds of robots — with the ultimate goal of safely integrating automation and AI into our world.
  • December 2021: Our NeurIPS 2021 Spotlight Talk on machine learning for speeding up vehicle routing was featured by MIT News! We devise a strategy which accelerates the best algorithmic solvers by 10-100x for large sets of cities.
  • December 2021: I am honored to be part of this year’s TEDxMIT, speaking about how cars are becoming smart enough to meet the needs of cities, rather than the other way around.
  • September 2021: Congratulations to Sirui Li and Zee Yan for our work on learning for large-scale vehicle routing, accepted at NeurIPS 2021 for a Spotlight Talk (<3%).
  • May 2021: Our work on deep reinforcement learning for analyzing systems of mixed traffic of autonomous and human drivers has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics.
  • February 2021: Excited to be profiled by MIT: Examining the world through signals and systems.
  • April 2020: I had a fun conversation with Sam Charrington on the TWIML AI Podcast about Simulating the Future of Traffic with RL.
  • January 2020: I was immensely honored to testify on the future of AI in transportation to the National Academy’s Transportation Research Board (TRB) at the Executive Committee Policy Session on Artificial Intelligence in Transportation.
  • October 2019: I am honored to be awarded the First Place 2019 IEEE ITSS Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award, for my thesis titled “Learning and Optimization for Mixed Autonomy Systems – A Mobility Context.” More here.
  • July 2019: I joined MIT as an assistant professor.
  • March 2019: I am honored to be inducted into the Microsoft Location Summit Hall of Fame, for receiving the First Place Award for my recent talk on “Integrating Autonomy into Urban Systems.”
  • December 2018: I am honored to receive the 2018 Milton Pikarsky Memorial Award from the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC) for my PhD dissertation. More here.
  • November 2018: I joined the Reinforcement Learning Group at Microsoft Research AI in Redmond as a postdoctoral researcher.
  • November 2018: The Flow team and I gave a full-day Tutorial and a half-day Workshop on Reinforcement Learning and Transportation at the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) in Maui, Hawaii. All tutorial materials are available here.
  • September 2018: I gave an invited talk at the O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference on “Reinforcement Learning for Mixed Autonomy Traffic” about the Flow project.