Berkeley’s online interfaces (e.g. for class registration) are very confusing as compared to what I’m used to at MIT. In case I’m not the only crazy person, here is a reference:
Bear Facts [link]: student homepage (i.e. websis)
TeleBEARS [link]: pre-registration, current class list, registration change
Class listings [EECS, EE, CS]
Grad Class listings [EE, CS]
Class schedule [CS, EE, CS-next, EE-next]: includes class time, lists special classes (CS 298 = Seminars, CS 294 = Courses, not sure where the descriptions are though)
Class schedule [link, ScheduleBuilder]: printable class schedules, clunky searchable interface for classes
EECS Grad Info [link]
EECS Grad Handbook [link]
Transfer Credit Petition [link]
Please feel free to comment with suggestions on what else to include in this reference.