Transportation news, curated through an EECS lense. Special interest and emphasis on autonomous vehicles, scalable solutions, cost-efficient transit (e.g. busses), innovations in infrastructure, security, IU/UX, and insights into the behavioral/legal/ethical aspects.
Pilotless aircraft: This is your ground pilot speaking | The Economist 2012-11-23 Technology has already relieved the flight deck of a number of jobs. Many early large aircraft had a crew of five: two pilots, a flight engineer, a navigator and a radio operator. First the radio operator went, then the navigator, and by the time the jet era was well under way in the 1970s flight ...
Sky-High Vegetables: Vertical Farming Sprouts In Singapore : The Salt : NPR 2012-11-15 YESSSSSSSSSSS. More plants can squeeze into tight city spaces, and fresh produce can grow right next to grocery stores, potentially reducing transportation costs, carbon dioxide emissions and risk of spoilage. Plus, most vertical farms are indoors, so plants are sheltered from shifting weather and damaging pests. via Sky-High Vegetables: Vertical Farming Sprouts In Singapore : The Salt ...
Self-driving cars could bring a new world of hacking | TechHive 2012-10-12 At the Black Hat security conference last year in Las Vegas, iSec Partners security consultants Don Bailey and Matthew Solnik hacked a Subaru Outback using a cellular network. They were able to unlock the car and even start its engine. Bailey said that he and Solnik took about 2 hours to figure out how to ...
You won’t need a driver’s license by 2040 – 2012-10-06 GM’s Cadillac division expects to produce partially autonomous cars at a large scale by 2015, and the automaker also predicts it will have fully autonomous cars available by the end of the decade. But while we know that robo-cars are coming, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) recently released predictions that autonomous cars will ...
BBC News – Will driverless cars mean computer crashes? 2012-10-06 Now the term "computer crash" is being coined to describe what could happen. via BBC News – Will driverless cars mean computer crashes?.
Streetfilms | MBA: Congestion Pricing 2012-09-30 ({ video_url: "", video_config: {js_api: 1,js_swf_id: "vimeo_player", title: 0, byline: 0, portrait: 0, color: "9086c0",width: 560, height: 315} }) In London, which successfully implemented congestion pricing in 2003, drivers now get to their jobs faster, transit users have improved service, cyclists have better infrastructure, and pedestrians have more public space. More people have access to ...
Governor Brown signs SB1298 at Google 2012-09-30 California Governor Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown Jr. visits the Google Headquarters on September 24th, 2012 to sign SB1298, a bill that creates a legal framework and operational safety standards for the testing and operation of autonomous vehicles on state roads and highways. via SB1298 Signing Event. potentially eradicating traffic Cars driven 3% of the time on ...
Image credit: Neil Kremer