Transportation news, curated through an EECS lense. Special interest and emphasis on autonomous vehicles, scalable solutions, cost-efficient transit (e.g. busses), innovations in infrastructure, security, IU/UX, and insights into the behavioral/legal/ethical aspects.

BBC – Future – Technology – Building the crash-proof car 2012-12-18 For example, the V2V allows the car to communicate with all other vehicles within a range of about 200m to 300m. They all share data such as their location, speed and direction, that is then assessed for safety risks, and if appropriate the driver is warned of any danger. For example, drivers will get an ...

NHTSA official joining Google | The Detroit News | 2012-12-16 Ron Medford, NHTSA’s deputy director, has more than 40 years in governmental experience and been a key player in finalizing the landmark 2017-25 Corporate Average Fuel Economy requirements to a fleetwide average of 54.5 mpg in 2025. via NHTSA official joining Google | The Detroit News | Google’s serious, yo.

An Addictive Traffic Game Challenges You To Keep Up The Flow | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation 2012-12-16 Welcome to Gridlock Buster–an online game developed by the Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute at the University of Minnesota. Click on an intersection to change the traffic light, and let the cars go. The more you can get through without people becoming antsy, the more points you accumulate. via An Addictive Traffic Game Challenges You To Keep ...

Application of Bluetooth Technology to Rural Freeway Speed Data Collection | Blurbs | Main 2012-12-15 The Ohio Department of Transportation has released a report that explains the development of a Bluetooth device capable of recording the media access control addresses of target radios on an interstate and then calculating the resulting space mean speed. via Application of Bluetooth Technology to Rural Freeway Speed Data Collection | Blurbs | Main. Full report Idea: ...

Gaping holes discovered in global GPS – SC Magazine 2012-12-15 The researchers said an Electronic GPS Attack Detection System (EGADS) should be deployed, which could flag the noted data-level attacks, and an Electronic GPS Whitening System (EGWS) which could re-broadcast a "whitened signal" to otherwise vulnerable receivers. The researchers said their work differed from existing GPS jamming and spoofing attacks because it detailed a larger attack ...

BBC News – It will take a ‘baby elephant’ to knock over this bike 2012-12-11 gyroscopes via BBC News – It will take a 'baby elephant' to knock over this bike.

Building a better map of Europe | Official Google Blog 2012-12-06 Google Ground Truth is using extra sensor information (+ user input) to detect road topology changes and correct existing maps. So Google Maps also integrates information such as walking paths, ferry lines, building outlines, park boundaries, university campuses and more—providing a richer, more comprehensive and more realistic experience for locals, visitors and armchair travelers alike. via Building ...

Image credit: Neil Kremer

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