My teenage dreams of becoming a farmer one day led me to summer 2014, in which I started growing vegetables via hydroponics. These posts document my adventures: many baby plants, encounters with wildlife, water automation, and more to come.
Adventures in Hydroponics (Weeks 23-26) Automation edition Well, another semester has gone by (time flies!). Let’s see what happened to the garden! Day 163 (Nov 28, 2014) Things got busy and winter came! Wind and temperature weren’t being super kind to my plants, so they took refuge in our living room. Which might turn into a permanent home — we’ll see. Anyway, the ...
Adventures in Hydroponics (Weeks 6-13) Wildlife edition In which my plants meet wildlife or just naturally fail to grow. Day 44 (July 29, 2014) When I go away on vacation, some opportunistic caterpillars visit and eat all of the watercress. Like, all of it. Ma’ayan snaps up some evidence! (Also super special thanks to Ma’ayan for babysitting while I am away!!) I expect ...
Adventures in Hydroponics (Weeks 2-5) Day 24 (July 8, 2014) The watercress children got big, time to transplant! There we go, transplanted! So much room for roots to grow. I transplanted a few more babies and prototyped a tiny irrigation system. Ah yes, ...
Adventures in hydroponics (Week 1) Day 1 (June 15, 2014) Berkeley has an awesome hydroponics store! Turns out, getting started with hydroponics is really easy. Buying and planting everything took Eric and me just a few hours. See the end for a build of materials and a comparison with soil! On the menu are: arugula, basil, California poppy (I guess I won’t ...