Transportation news, curated through an EECS lense. Special interest and emphasis on autonomous vehicles, scalable solutions, cost-efficient transit (e.g. busses), innovations in infrastructure, security, IU/UX, and insights into the behavioral/legal/ethical aspects.
Autonomous Driving Bill Introduced in California (Plus Other State Developments) | Center for Internet and Society 2012-02-25 California SB 1298 would expressly establish that California "presently does not prohibit or specifically regulate the operation of autonomous vehicles," direct the Department of the California Highway Patrol to "adopt regulations" regarding "specific safety requirements for the testing and operation of autonomous vehicles," and "not prohibit" such operation and testing prior to those regulations. The ...
Rio Tinto Expands Use Of Driverless Trucks – Driverless Car HQ 2012-02-25 Rio Tinto has massively upped their order to 150 driverless trucks. The order is expected to be completed by the “end of 2015″. via Rio Tinto Expands Use Of Driverless Trucks – Driverless Car HQ. Like Kiva Systems (centrally controlled), but outdoors!
Avoiding Red Lights by Booking Ahead : Discovery News 2012-02-19 A computer program that reserves slots at an intersection might be a way to ease gridlock and boost safety. via Avoiding Red Lights by Booking Ahead : Discovery News. YES.
Driverless Cars & The End of Distracted Driving [Infographic] | Daniel R. Rosen, P.C. 2012-02-17 Source: Law Offices of Daniel R. Rosen. With Nevada passing the nation’s first law sanctioning autonomous vehicles this past June, how close are we to seeing driverless cars in every day life? Could driverless cars be the end of distracted driving as we know it? via Driverless Cars & The End of Distracted Driving | ...
Paving the way – Green – February 16, 2012 – Reno News & Review 2012-02-17 A new state law defines autonomous vehicles as “a motor vehicle that uses artificial intelligence, sensors and global positioning system coordinates to drive itself without the active intervention of a human operator.” The law was enacted in 2011. via Paving the way – Green – February 16, 2012 – Reno News & Review. Ford Fiesta can parallel ...
The Future is Now: Driverless Cars Will Change How We Build – Deep Thoughts: Transit & Real Estate – Curbed Atlanta 2012-02-17 Imagine the typical day in the American family. A mom logs-in a route to the car using Google maps and the car’s GPS system. Mom, Dad, kid jump in the car. Car drops off daughter at school, drops off Dad at work, drops off Mom at work, drives to dry-cleaners were dry-cleaner removes dirty clothes ...
BusinessCar – Volvo runs convoy of driverless cars 2012-02-17 Three autonomously driven Volvos – an S60, V60 and an XC90 – running in convoy on a Swedish test track recently took part in a ‘road train’ demonstration at 56mph (90kph) behind a lorry as part of the SARTRE (safe road trains for the environment) programme. via BusinessCar – Volvo runs convoy of driverless cars. Three autonomously ...
Image credit: Neil Kremer