Transportation news, curated through an EECS lense. Special interest and emphasis on autonomous vehicles, scalable solutions, cost-efficient transit (e.g. busses), innovations in infrastructure, security, IU/UX, and insights into the behavioral/legal/ethical aspects.
How Do You Know An Autonomous Vehicle Has Seen You? – Technology Review 2012-05-01 MIT’s Media Lab demonstrates a system that lets driverless vehicles communicate with pedestrians. via How Do You Know An Autonomous Vehicle Has Seen You? – Technology Review. Debugging LEDs! Autonomous vehicles communicating with pedestrians using lights.
UIC News Release 2012-05-01 "The long-range ambition is to build something like a roadmap, but annotated with everything that’s going on at the moment," Eriksson said. "We’re basically interested in anything that has to do with your commute." via UIC News Release. Aggregating relevant traffic information and putting it in one place, with the eventual goal of predicting alternate routes. I’m ...
Press Release: Vibrating Steering Wheel Guides Drivers While Keeping Their Eyes on the Road-Carnegie Mellon News – Carnegie Mellon University 2012-05-01 Carnegie Mellon and AT&T Researchers Evaluate Haptic Navigation Aid A vibrating steering wheel is an effective way to keep a driver’s eyes safely on the road by providing an additional means to convey directions from a car’s navigation system, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and AT&T Labs have shown. via Press Release: Vibrating Steering Wheel Guides Drivers ...
MIT’s LIVE Singapore | Postscapes 2012-05-01 Funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Singapore and completed by MIT Senseable City Lab. The project hoped to give Singaporeans a new awareness of how their city behaves in response to their actions and presented the results to them through a series of data visualizations. via MIT's LIVE Singapore | Postscapes. Visualizations for the taxi data in ...
Driverless cars ready to hit our roads – tech – 02 April 2012 – New Scientist 2012-05-01 Sceptical about autonomous cars? Too late. They’re already here – and they’re smarter than ever via Driverless cars ready to hit our roads – tech – 02 April 2012 – New Scientist. But concerns about the safety of autonomous cars are misplaced in a world where 1.2 million people die every year in road accidents due to ...
Honda Combining V2V, Coaching Technology to Ease Congestion | Autopia | 2012-05-01 While most automakers are looking to improve real-time traffic data plumbed into cars and bring smarter rerouting to market, Honda is looking at another way of getting you out of traffic: preventing it in the first place. via Honda Combining V2V, Coaching Technology to Ease Congestion | Autopia | Smoothing out traffic by determining optimum speed ...
Robot cars get ready to roll | KurzweilAI 2012-05-01 You may soon be sharing the road with intelligent, self-driving cars that promise to save time, fuel, cut traffic jams and prevent accidents. via Robot cars get ready to roll | KurzweilAI. Some projections on autonomous capabilities hitting consumers: Bill Ford, executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company, recently said that the company sees “the introduction of semi-autonomous ...
Image credit: Neil Kremer