The last time you purchased something made entirely from cardboard, chances are it was a box to pack up your belongings. While the sturdy material is perfect for moving your stuff, an inventor from Israel has figured out a way to make cardboard move you. Using nine dollars worth of materials, bicycle enthusiast Izhar Gafni has created a fully functioning, water-resistant bicycle, made, from seat to spokes, entirely of recycled cardboard. The technology makes the environmentalist’s choice mode of transportation even a bit greener and easier on the wallet.
via Cycle on the Recycled: A $9 Cardboard Bike Set to Enter Production in Israel – Business – GOOD.
Gafni’s next steps involve establishing a company to produce and distribute his cardboard creation to the world market. He’s currently working with investors to have the product ready for mass-production and worldwide distribution by next year.
Exciting! $9-$12 entirely cardboard bike holding up to 485 lbs, coated for element resistance, incorporates origami techniques