Stats about all US cities – real estate, relocation info, crime, house prices, cost of living, races, home value estimator, recent sales, income, photos, schools, maps, weather, neighborhoods, and more

We’ve collected and analyzed data from numerous sources to create as complete and interesting profiles of all U.S. cities as we could.

via Stats about all US cities – real estate, relocation info, crime, house prices, cost of living, races, home value estimator, recent sales, income, photos, schools, maps, weather, neighborhoods, and more.

Urban life data

Using real-time road traffic data to evaluate congestion – Research – University of Cambridge

A new project has shown that by using existing sources of information about traffic flow it is possible to create a minute-by-minute image of congestion in cities.

via Using real-time road traffic data to evaluate congestion – Research – University of Cambridge.

Research being done in the UK, with emphasis on data collection using low cost sensors. Seems fairly easy to deploy, but their system does use inductive loops in roads through, which have a high installation cost.

The researchers also collected real-time traffic light data using the Split Cycle Offset Optimization Technique and demonstrated how that data can be combined with bus data to give buses priority at traffic lights.

Recently acquired Chinese vocabulary (01/10-1/30/2012)

Another installment of technical-ish Chinese vocab!

黑客 = hacker
创客 = maker
项目 = project
爱好者 = enthusiast
创新 = innovation
思维 = way of thinking
3D打印机 = 3D printer
四旋翼飞行器 = quadcopter
重复造轮子 = reinventing the wheel
攻击 = to attack / an attack (as used with DOS攻击)
纳税人 = taxpayer
所得税 = income tax
培训 = to train / training
推荐 = to recommend / recommendation
视频 = video
汇率 = exchange rate
投影仪 = projector
域名 = domain name
翻墙啊 = to climb over a wall / figuratively, to breach the Great Firewall of China
设置 = to install / set up (software)

Technical Documents | GENIVI Alliance

The resources page is where GENIVI® will post technical documents and other information in the form of videos, presentations, white papers, case studies and webinars. Much of this will be the output of work currently underway in the GENIVI working groups.

via Technical Documents | GENIVI Alliance.

Industry alliance for open source in-vehicle infotainment software framework.

Is it Google vs all these people (src)?
White paper: [src]
FAQ: [src]

Progress and challenges in intelligent vehicle area networks

Vehicle area networks form the backbone of future intelligent transportation systems.

via Progress and challenges in intelligent vehicle area networks.

This article is a gold mine!

The National Transportation Safety Board reports that U.S. highways on average experience 43,300 fatalities per year. Every day, more than 16,000 crashes occur on U.S. highways, mainly due to driver error, poor judgment, drowsiness, or distraction. The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that in the U.S. alone, approximately 100,000 crashes (about 2% of all) each year are caused primarily by driver drowsiness or fatigue.

Research « Progressive Transit

In cities or areas with low-density traditional static route transportation does not work well, and with the ubiquity of mobile phones and easy communication, there is no need to rely on this type of transit.   If a passenger can communicate his or her destination and current location to the transit operator (similar to calling a taxi, except without the need to directly talk to a dispatcher) then the transit company should be able to create optimal bus paths in real time to better serve customers.

via Research « Progressive Transit.

Network-Inspired Transportation System research at Georgia Tech

Let the Robot Drive: The Autonomous Car of the Future Is Here | Wired Magazine |

“My other car drives itself.”

via Let the Robot Drive: The Autonomous Car of the Future Is Here | Wired Magazine |

Working on autonomous cars: Google, BMW, Audi, VW, Toyota

Google isn’t the only company with driverless cars on the road. Indeed, just about every traditional automaker is developing its own self-driving model, peppering Silicon Valley with new R&D labs to work on the challenge.

GM’s Alan Taub predicts that self-driving cars will be on the road by the decade’s end.

Daily Maverick – Braking news: Google’s driverless cars

For those who believe there is no solution to the regular carnage on South African roads – a thousand or so killed this past holiday season, by way of example – think again. Google’s driverless car is here to save us. It has a couple of twists and turns to manoeuvre before we’re out of the driver’s seat, though.

via Daily Maverick – Braking news: Google's driverless cars.

Car accidents that can be prevented by autonomous cars

regular carnage on South African roads – a thousand or so killed this past holiday season

Car accidents result in 33,000 deaths in America each year; with our much smaller population, we’re at about a quarter of that – which is to say nothing of the injuries. The cost to society is enormous.